Banking News

Credit Card Satisfaction Switzerland 2018

May 25, 2018 - Benjamin Manz

A representative survey by online comparison service measures customer satisfaction among Swiss credit card users in 2018.

On behalf of unbiased online comparison service, market research institute GfK Switzerland conducted a representative survey of customer satisfaction among Swiss credit card and prepaid card users across German-speaking and French-speaking Switzerland.

The results show that on the whole, Swiss consumers are satisfied with their card issuers. However, customer satisfaction levels vary between card issuers.

Customer satisfaction criteria

Survey participants were asked to rate their satisfaction with their own credit cards and prepaid cards in the following categories:

  • Customer support
  • Friendliness of customer care personnel
  • Value for money
  • Clarity of documents
  • General satisfaction
  • Readiness to recommend an issuer to other consumers

Cardholders could rate their satisfaction level in each category on a scale of 1 (completely unsatisfied) to 10 (fully satisfied). In calculating average overall customer satisfaction levels, placed greater weight on the “general satisfaction” and the “readiness to recommend” categories.

Generally high customer satisfaction among credit card holders

The survey results show that Swiss cardholders are satisfied to very satisfied with their credit cards and prepaid cards. That result may be surprising to some, considering the many negative media reports covering credit cards and high credit card fees. A possible reason for the high customer satisfaction levels, aside from good customer service, is that many cardholders are not actually aware of many of the credit card fees (like currency exchange spreads). “Additionally, many Swiss consumers only use credit cards to make payments and rarely make use of customer service” says analyst Michael Burkhard. 

On the whole, Swiss card issuers like UBS, PostFinance, Cembra Money Bank, Credit Suisse, Swisscard, Viseca, Bonuscard, Cornèrcard and Swiss Bankers received a high weighted average rating of 8.1 out of 10 points.

Poor value for money ratings

Average customer satisfaction ratings vary between categories. On average, cardholders gave issuers: 8.2 out of 10 points for customer support when problems or card loss occur; 8.3 out of 10 points for friendliness of customer care personnel; 8 out of 10 points for clarity of documents, and 8 out of 10 points for readiness to recommend an issuer to other consumers. The “value for money” category received the lowest customer satisfaction ratings a 7.9 out of 10 points.

Customer satisfaction between card issuers compared

Ratings vary between card issuers. Customer satisfaction ratings are highest among holders of the Migros Cumulus Mastercard (8.5 out of 10 points), cards from Swiss Bankers (8.3 out of 10 points), the Coop Supercardplus (8.2 out of 10 points), Cards from Postfinance (8.2 out of 10 points), cards from Cornèrcard (8 out of 10 points) and cards from UBS (8 out of 10 points).

You can find the exact customer satisfaction ratings for each credit card listed in the credit card comparison on

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Expert Benjamin Manz
Benjamin Manz is CEO of and an independent expert on banking and finance.