
The term “401(k)” denotes a category of U.S. retirement savings which shares some features with the Swiss pillar 2a occupational retirement savings and pillar 3a private retirement savings categories.

Like Swiss 2a occupational retirement savings and Swiss 3a private retirement savings, contributions to 401(k) solutions are tax deductible up to annual limits. Unlike Swiss occupational retirement savings, employers are not required to contribute to 401(k) retirement savings – although they have the option of doing so.

Currently, there is no bilateral agreement between Switzerland and the United States which enables the direct transfer of 401(k) savings to Swiss pillar 2a and pillar 3a retirement savings solutions or the transfer of Swiss pillar 2a and pillar 3a retirement savings to a 401(k) plan.

More on this topic:
Swiss pillar 3a account comparison
Swiss retirement calculators

Editor Daniel Dreier
Daniel Dreier is editor and personal finance expert at moneyland.ch.