

Use the free and powerful calculators on moneyland.ch to quickly perform banking, investment, retirement, insurance and telecom calculations.

Percentage Calculator

Use the percentage calculator to find the difference between two numbers as a percentage, find the amount represented by a percentage and calculate increases and decreases.

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Discount Calculator

Use the Swiss discount calculator to find the value of a discount as a percentage, to find the discounted price or to find the regular price without the discount applied.

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Compound Interest Calculator

Use the Swiss interest and compounding interest calculator to calculate effective credit or debit interest based on the frequency and size of payments or deposits, as well as negative interest rates.

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Daily Interest Calculator

Use the daily interest calculator to calculate exact daily debit interest charges or credit interest earnings.

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Real Interest Rate Calculator

The real interest rate calculator makes it easy to calculate the real annual interest rate and the annual loss or gain in purchasing power.

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Historical Interest and Return Calculator

The historical interest and return calculator makes it easy to find and compare the historical performance of Swiss savings account interest and Swiss stocks.

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Interest or Yield Rate Timeframe Converter

The converter makes it easy to convert interest or yields from one time frame to another.

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Savings Calculator

Use the Swiss savings calculator to quickly and easily calculate initial savings, final savings, savings plans and saving terms. The calculator also accounts for negative interest rates.

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Millionaire Calculator

The millionaire calculator makes it easy to find out how long it will take you to save 1 million Swiss francs.

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Loan Calculator

With the moneyland.ch personal loan calculator it’s easy to find out how expensive your loan is.

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Loan Refinancing Calculator

The moneyland.ch loan calculator makes it easy to find out whether or not refinancing your loan is a smart financial move.

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Remaining Debt and Early Loan Settlement Calculator

The early loan settlement calculator on moneyland.ch makes it easy to find how much your still owe for a loan and how much money you could save by settling your debt ahead of schedule.

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Lease vs. Loan Calculator

The lease vs. loan calculator on moneyland.ch makes it easy to find out whether a lease or a loan is cheaper for the purchase a car or motorcycle.

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Car Leasing Calculator

With the moneyland.ch personal Swiss car leasing calculator it’s easy to find out how expensive your lease really is.

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Leasing Calculator

The leasing calculator from moneyland.ch makes it easy to find the true cost of a lease.

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Effective vs. Nominal Interest

Quickly and easily convert an effective annual interest rate into a nominal annual interest rate and vice versa.

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Mortgage Calculator

The mortgage calculator from moneyland.ch makes it easy to find the costs, amortization, affordability and loan-to-value ratio of the mortgage on your home.

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Mortgage Affordability

The affordability calculator by moneyland.ch lets you quickly and easily calculate whether you can afford a mortgage.

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Maximum Purchase Price

Find out exactly how expensive a property you can buy using a mortgage.

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Mortgage Down-Payment Calculator

Use the minimum down-payment mortgage calculator to find out what portion of the cost of financing your home needs to be covered by your own assets.

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Minimum Income Mortgage Calculator

Use the minimum income mortgage calculator to find out how high your income needs to be in order to be approved for a specific mortgage.

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Early Mortgage Termination

Calculate whether or not withdrawing from your mortgage agreement ahead of schedule is worth it for you.

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Home Rent or Buy Calculator

Use the rent or buy calculator to find out whether renting or buying a home is the better financial move.

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Mortgage Rate Assistant

Find the most affordable mortgage interest rate available in Switzerland for any mortgage type.

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Mortgage Rate Analysis Tool

Find the average annual interest rate charged for one or multiple Swiss mortgages based on historical data to date.

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Roaming Calculator

Find the cheapest way to make calls and get online while traveling with the mobile plan or prepaid offer that you already use.

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Data Roaming Calculator

The comprehensive data roaming calculator on moneyland.ch makes it easy to find data roaming bundles.

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Mobile Plan and Device Cost Calculator

The mobile plan and device cost calculator helps you easily compare two different phone offers to find the real cost of each offer.

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Download Calculator

Find out how much time it takes you to download data based on the speed of your Internet connection.

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Bytes and Bits Data Calculator

Convert bits to bytes and vice versa. Various subunits can also be calculated.

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Interval Billing Calculator

Find out how your phone plan’s interval billing schedule impacts the cost of making phone calls.

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Week Day Calculator

The week day calculator makes it easy to find exactly how many times individual days of the week occur within a given time span.

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Time Span Calculator

The time span calculator makes it easy to find the exact size of a time span between two dates.

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Age Calculator

Finding your age down to the second is easy with the interactive age calculator on moneyland.ch.

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Notice Period Calculator

The notice period calculator on moneyland.ch makes it easy to find the date on which a contract will be terminated based on the notice period.

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Delayed OASI Pension Calculator

Find out how high your OASI Swiss government pension will be if you delay retirement.

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Early Retirement OASI Calculator

Find out how high your OASI Swiss government pension will be if you retire early.

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Early OASI Pension Calculator

Find out how early retirement would effect your OASI Swiss government pension and the age you must live to for early retirement to be financially advantageous.

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Pillar 3a Calculator

Find out how much you will save within any specified savings term based on your interest rates.

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Pension vs. Lump-Sum Calculator

Find out whether or not withdrawing your pension savings as a lump sum is more profitable than receiving a regular pension.

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Annuity Calculator

Peform many different calculations related to annuities.

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Perpetual Annuity Calculator

Calculate the interest rates, sizes of annuities and the present value principal of perpetual annuities.

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Swiss Federal Income Tax Calculator

Calculate your Swiss federal income tax liability.

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Inflation Calculator

Calculate inflation rates and decreases in purchasing power. You can also use the calculator to find an initial price, final price or inflation term.

Use the calculator
Deflation Calculator

The deflation calculator makes it easy to calculate deflation rates and increases in purchasing power. You can also use the calculator to find an initial price, final price or deflation term.

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Returns Calculator

Calculate interest yields and returns on investments.

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Investment Cost Calculator

The fee calculator for investors makes it easy to find out how costs impact your final capital.

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Performance Calculator

This calculator on moneyland.ch makes it easy to find the total performance and average performance of investments.

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FIRE Calculator

The financial independence calculator makes it easy to calculate how long it will take you to save enough capital to become financially independent.

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Stock Rate Recovery Calculator

The calculator makes it easy to find out the percentage by which a rate must increase to recover its original, higher position.

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Rate Change Calculator

The rate change calculator makes it easy to calculate rate increases and decreases, intitial rate and final rates.

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Net Present Value (NPV) Calculator

Find the net present value of investments and find out whether or not an investment is financially advantageous based on the applicable discount rate.

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Stock Calculator

The stock calculator makes it easy to calculate returns on stock investments.

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ETF Calculator

Quickly find overall ETF performance and annualized ETF performance with all costs accounted for.

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Fund Calculator

Use the Swiss fund calculator to find the overall performance and the annualized performance of mutual funds with all costs accounted for.

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Forex Calculator

Find the profits or losses of forex trades based on exchange rates with or without accounting for the costs of leverage financing and brokerage fees.

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Forex Calculator: Stop Loss & Take Profit

Quickly and easily find the right stop-loss or take-profit limits for forex based on your risk tolerance.

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Forex Position Size Calculator

Find the optimal size for a forex investment position based on available margin and maximum acceptable risk.

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Pip Calculator

Find the value of pips (in the base currency and the quote currency) in relation to a currency pair and the size of the forex investment position.

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Bid-Ask Spread Calculator

The bid-ask spread calculator on moneyland.ch makes it easy to quickly calculate a spread based on the bid and ask prices.

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Foreign Investment Comparison Calculator

The profit comparison calculator lets you compare two investments denominated by two different currencies to find out which is more profitable based on exchange rates and investment terms.

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Break-Even Exchange Rate Calculator

Find the exchange rate at which two investments denominated by different currencies would be equally profitable.

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Foreign Currency Investment Calculator

The calculator lets you quickly and easily find the real profitability of investments denominated in foreign currencies.

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CFD Calculator

The CFD calculator on moneyland.ch makes it easy to find the gains or losses of CFD investments based on rates, with or without accounting for interest on financing.

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CFD Calculator: Stop Loss & Take Profit

Quickly and easily find the right stop loss and take profit limits for CFD investment positions.

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Bitcoin Calculator

The bitcoin calculator makes it easy to calculate the actual gains, losses and profits of bitcoin investments.

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Insurance Calculator

Calculate all possible insurance costs and benefits, and compare the costs and benefits of two insurance policies.

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Health Insurance Deductible Calculator

The health insurance deductible calculator makes finding the best deductible model easy.

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Pet Insurance Calculator

The pet insurance calculator makes it easy to find the ideal pet insurance option for your cat, dog or horse.

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Swiss Pocket Money Calculator

The Swiss pocket money calculator on moneyland.ch makes it easy to compare your child’s allowance with the average allowance for children their age in your region.

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Net Salary and Gross Salary Calculator

The net salary and gross salary calculator makes it easy for you as an employee in Switzerland to find your net salary based on your gross salary.

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Salary Cost Calculator for Employers

The salary cost calculator makes it easy for you as an employer to find the true cost of hiring an employee in Switzerland.

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All Comparisons

Use the comprehensive and unbiased Swiss comparisons to find the right banking, insurance and telecom solutions.

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