Swiss Car Subscriptions

Swiss Car Plan Comparison

Compare Swiss car plans and long-term car rentals based on features and costs with this unbiased comparison. Get the comaprison as a free PDF below.

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This comparison clearly shows the costs and features of both car plans and conventional long-term rentals offered in Switzerland. Get the full comparison of costs and benefits as a PDF using the form below.

What is a car plan?

A car plan is a subscription which enables you to use cars owned by a car plan service provider. Typically, you pay a monthly flat fee for the plan which covers most costs. A handful of car plans charge additional, mileage-based fees. The flat fee normally covers: the use of the car; car insurance; servicing; repairs; tires; and road taxes. Additional benefits may be included depending on the service provider and plan.

Factors included in the car plan comparison

Car plan costs: One-time fees; monthly fees; mileage-based fees; discounts; deposits (for long-term rentals); insurance deductibles; incidental fees.

Car plan features: Driver requirements; minimum contract terms; notice periods for plan termination; number of car makes offered; minimum terms between car exchanges; car delivery; car insurance; road tax coverage; highway tax coverage; tires and tire replacement; roadside assistance; repairs; servicing; courtesy cars; fuel (electricity in the case of electric cars);  rewards programs; additional services.

Car plans included in the comparison: Abo@Europcar, Arval, Carplanet Galliker, CARIFY, Carvolution, CLYDE, Emil Frey move, Enterprise Minilease, FlatDrive, Hertz MiniLease, Mercedes Benz Rent, Mini Abo, Navigas Mobility, Sixt+, Sixt+ Unlimited, Toyota Rent, UPTO.

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