
Digital Cash (DASH), or Dash, is a cryptocurrency which is built on the concept of privacy. It uses blockchain technology, but data relating to wallets and balances is not published in the public ledger, allowing for greater anonymity than bitcoin.

The cryptocurrency, which was developed using the bitcoin and Litecoin codes as its base, was formerly known as Darkcoin due to its privacy-centric approach.

Dash transactions are processed using a combination of the proof of work and proof of stake systems. As with other proof of work cryptocurrencies, transactions are processed on a decentralized collection of computer servers known as masternodes.

However, in order for a computer to qualify as a masternode, it must hold a predetermined amount of Dash. In this way it is similar to a proof of stake cryptocurrency. Masternode operators are rewarded for their services with newly generated Dash units.

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Editor Daniel Dreier
Daniel Dreier is editor and personal finance expert at moneyland.ch.