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How Are Personal Loan Comparison Results Calculated?

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Calculations are based on lender specific algorithms and the following factors:

  • The effective interest rate, the loan term and the size of the loan are accounted for in the calculation.
  • If minimum and maximum interest rates differ based on the applicants creditworthiness, the calculation generally uses the minimum interest rate. Exception: If additional information regarding the exact conditions attached to interest rates is available, this may be used when calculating results based on your profile.
  • If the filter “insurance in the case of unemployment” is selected, loans are only included in results if insurance coverage is included in the costs shown.
  • Only loans which you are eligible for (based on information you provide) are included in the results. Information used to determine results includes the loan amount, loan term, loan type and your purpose for getting a loan. You age, country of residence, canton of residence, nationality and residence status are also accounted for.
  • The results are rounded to five centimes.