alpian victor cianni interview
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Victor Cianni From Alpian: “We Avoid Stock Picking”

September 22, 2023

Victor Cianni, Chief Investment Officer at Alpian, explains Alpian's new investment offering.

What does Alpian offer prospective customers who are looking to invest their money?

Today, we provide two investment solutions designed to align with the lifestyles of most individuals. If you recognize the importance of investing but lack the time, inclination, or experience to manage it yourself, we offer the Managed by Alpian service. With a minimum investment of CHF 30,000, your funds are professionally managed by our expert teams, following a strategy we develop together.

On the other hand, if you prefer to take a more hands-on approach to managing your finances but still value guidance, we have a second option known as Guided by Alpian, which is available for investments starting at CHF 10,000. 

Both solutions are offered at the same fair price, easily accessible and our teams have no incentives to sell products that clients don't need. The foundation of our approach is your requirements, not our own profit.

Can you provide detailed information on what clients can expect from these investments?

Our goal is simple: to provide you with exposure to the growth of global economies in a cost-effective and diversified manner. We don't chase after trendy products or use complex investment strategies. We also avoid stock-picking. While it's not impossible to outperform the overall market by picking individual investments, data and research indicate that the likelihood of doing so is extremely low. 

Rather, we aim to closely replicate the performance of the financial market and place our confidence in the multitude of companies that drive progress around the world. In the short term, portfolio performance may fluctuate, mirroring market trends. However, over the long term, this approach can prove to be rewarding. After all, why would the world's economic progress come to a halt?

What specific products are included in your investment portfolios?

Alpian partners with an ecosystem of carefully selected investment specialists. Unlike many banks, we don’t offer our own products. We pick the best ETFs and mutual funds available. 

Every investment choice on our platform meets three fundamental requirements: It is managed by experts with a robust investment process; the price is fair; the fund operates in your best interests. 

This level of objectivity and transparency ensures that interests are aligned. For example, when selecting a third-party fund, not only do we refuse retrocessions, but we also use our bargaining power to negotiate fees on behalf of our clients. 

In terms of the breadth of our investment universe, we can invest in up to 21 different asset sub-classes, ranging from equity to fixed income, commodities, and digital assets.

Is Alpian strictly a robo-advisor, or do you also make use of conventional asset management?

Many of us today often feel as if we must make a choice between technology and traditional management. On one hand automated investment solutions offer more affordable options to a larger number of people. But they are not capable of nuanced personalization nor can they support investors through the complexities of life. 

Traditional asset managers, on the other hand, consider global factors and specific needs, but the personalization comes at a cost. This dilemma shouldn’t exist. In fact technology and traditional asset management can work incredibly well when they are both combined. 

At Alpian, we harness technology to tackle complex issues and manage routine tasks. Meanwhile, our team focuses on areas where they bring value, like screening and sourcing investment opportunities or providing advice. Fusing technology and the human touch gives more people access to effective, personalized and diversified investment strategies.

You're introducing a new investment service called Guided by Alpian. Can you explain this offer?

I am pretty excited about this one I must say. With the recent surge in banking and investing innovations, starting an investing journey is now easier than ever. We're witnessing a growing number of individuals who are eager to assume control over their investments. At the same time submitting your hard-earned money to market forces can be daunting, especially if you don’t know where to start. 

That's precisely why we've developed Guided By Alpian—an entirely digital advisory mandate that empowers you to independently learn how to construct diversified portfolios at a reasonable cost. The concept is straightforward: our teams construct a carefully curated investment universe, from which you can select your choice of options, and we provide guidance on how to combine them. 

The ultimate decisions, however, remain yours to make. This solution effectively bridges the gap between completely self-directed investment solutions and fully-discretionary options where your ability to influence your portfolio is limited.

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