

Interviews by


Descartes Finance: Robo Advisors Are Not Just a Hype interviews Adriano B. Lucatelli about digital wealth manager Descartes Finance.

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Homegate: Online Mortgages On The Rise

Interview with Jan Spörri, Product Manager Online-Mortgages at Homegate AG.

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Hanspeter Rhyner: Mortgages Will Soon Be Fully Digital

What inroads has digitization made into the Swiss mortgage market? How is the current low interest environment…


Smolio: Personal Financial Planning is More Important Than Ever

Interview with Sarah Seyr from Smolio about her startup, personal finance planning and the reform of…

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Swiss Gold Safe: Strong Demand for Private Safe Deposit Boxes

Interview with Ludwig Karl, press spokesperson for Swiss Gold Safe, about non-bank private safe deposit…

Sponsored Content Online Mortgages Have Lower Interest Rates

Interview with Stefanie Fritze of Homegate AG about Swiss online mortgages and, specifically, the online…


Crypto Currency: How Does Switzerland Compare? interviews fintech expert Rino Borini to get his take on the state of cryptocurrencies…


Robert Darlington: «Swiss Wealthy Have Little Confidence in Their Heirs»

Robert Darlington, Director Wealth Adivsory bei Barclaytrust (Suisse) SA about Barclay's report «The…


Finding the Right Lawyer: «Transparency Is Lacking» spoke with Chistoph Küng, CEO of SKUANI and co-founder of the Swiss Legaltech Association…

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Brett King: «Movenbank to Revolutionize Banking Industry»

Brett King is the author of the best-selling book BANK 2.0 and the founder of the mobile-only bank Movenbank…

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Crédit Agricole Financements: «Buying a Home Cheaper Than Renting in 2017»

This interview with Pierre Fortis sheds light on the state of the Swiss mortgage market and mortgages…

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Bill Harris: «Internet to Revolutionize Finance Industry»

Bill Harris is the founder and CEO of Personal Capital. He was CEO of PayPal and CEO of Intuit. He also…


Standard & Poor’s: Does Past Performance Really Matter?

Frank Luo is the head of Global Research and Design at Standard & Poor’s.

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InvestorBee: Filling the Information Gap in Wealth Management

Graham Mannion is founder and managing director of InvestorBee. After working for HSBC in Asia Pacific…


Daniel Gutenberg: Cryptocurrencies Have Just Gotten Started

Investor Daniel Gutenberg talks about cryptocurrencies and the upcoming Crypto Finance Conference.


FIRE Movement in Switzerland: Retire at 40? interviewed one of the leading Swiss FIRE bloggers. Under the pseudonym Marc Pittet, he…


Want a higher paycheck? Tips from a Swiss salaries expert talks to salaries expert Tobias Egli about the key factors that influence salaries and…

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LEND: Digitalization Driving Down Interest Rates

How is digitalization impacting the Swiss lending market? Here, interviews the founder…


Alex Hinder: The Right Way to Invest In ETFs interviews Dr. Alex Hinder on the benefits of ETFs, choosing the right investment strategy…

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neon Interview: Swiss Banks are Sleeping Through Digitization

Julius Kirscheneder is the CMO and co-founder of neon. In this interview with, he explains…


Therese Fässler: Swiss Should Invest in Stocks More

Therese Fässler is the founder of and aims to encourage investment in stocks across the…


Elizabeth Immer-Bernold: Penalty Fees Are Not a Sufficient Solution

In this interview, Elizabeth Immer-Bernold sheds light on how behavioral economics insights…


How to Choose a Private Bank

How can you find the right private bank? Read the interview with private banking expert Petko Bahovski…