Private Accounts

APPKB money market mortgage

  • Swiss SARON mortgage

General information:

Free switch to another mortgage product of the provider possible.

Approximate markup (as a %):

5-year SARON mortgage, 3-month interest term: 0.75%

Calculation variant compounded SARON:
Variant 4: Payment of interest at the end of interest term; interest determined at start; observation period set back fully.
Minimum amount:
Not specified.
Maximum amount:
Not specified.
Types of property:
Primary residence, Secondary residence, Holiday home, Investment property, Commercial property
Types of financing:
New mortgage, Refinancing, First mortgage, Second mortgage, Direct amortization, Indirect amortization
Conditions and costs:

The conclusion of the contract is free of charge.

Loan-to-value ratio:
Not specified.
Not specified.
Second mortgage:
Second mortgages are available.
Notice period:

An early withdrawal from the mortgage agreement is possible only if a compensation for the early termination is paid.

You don't have to pay off the first mortgage. You have to pay off the second mortgage in full within 15 years.
Direct amortization is available.
Indirect amortization is available.
Interest charge frequency:

The interest must be paid twice a year.