
Break-Even Exchange Rate Calculator

Useful information about the break-even exchange rate calculator:

  • The break-even exchange rate investment calculator makes it easy to find the exchange rate at which two investments denominated by different currencies would be equally profitable.
  • Example of a possible use case: An investment vehicle denominated by a foreign currency (a stock listed on a foreign exchange, a foreign bond or a foreign fixed deposit account, for example) may deliver higher returns than a similar investment vehicle denominated by Swiss francs or another currency held by an investor. However, changes in the exchange rate of a foreign currency in which a foreign investment is made and the Swiss franc (or other base currency held and used by the investor) directly affect foreign investments. The break-even exchange rate shows how far the exchange rate of the foreign currency denominating an investment can sink before the investment becomes unprofitable compared to a similar investment in the base currency. 
  • Other investment calculators: Yield calculator, foreign investment profit comparison calculator, foreign currency investment profit calculator.
  • You can find more investment calculators here.
  • Calculations are based on an accreting interest model by which annual returns are added to the investment capital and invested at the same rate of return until the end of the investment term.
  • When the investment term includes months in addition to whole years, returns for those months are calculated proportionately based on the accrued returns of the previous year.
  • The break-even exchange rate is rounded to the seventh decimal.
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