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How Are the Hospital Insurance Comparison Results Calculated?

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Comparison results are calculated based on algorithms by The factors listed here apply:

  • The guarantee of editorial independence applies.
  • Total premiums are calculated for each hospital insurance product individually. Monthly and yearly costs are clearly listed in cost breakdowns.
  • Differences in premiums based on gender, age and insurance type are all accounted for in comparisons. For simplicity of calculation, the City of Zurich is used as the default place of residence. A handful of insurance providers charge different insurance premiums depending on where you live, so requesting free quotes is the best way to find out the exact premiums you can expect to pay before signing up for policies.
  • Premium calculations: Unless otherwise stated, deductibles and coinsurance are not factored into the costs shown.
  • Discounts: Additional discounts may apply to some policies. Examples of possible discounts include: family discounts (multiple-policy), term-based discounts (multiple-year), prepayment discounts, discounts for excluding unnecessary coverage (this may include maternity or spa coverage) and discounts for taking out both mandatory and supplementary health insurance polices from the same issuer (multiple-policy).
  • Differences caused by rounding may occur.
  • The unbiased ratings of services and coverages are based on the scope of coverage and not on the quality of services provided. A 5-star rating is the highest possible rating. Overall ratings are calculated based on individual coverage and service ratings.