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How Does the Private Account Comparison Work?

The service of is completely free of charge and complies with modern security and data protection guidelines. The independence guarantee applies to all comparisons. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the team

Finding the right private account can be easy! helps you find the right private account in three simple steps. Compare private accounts now.

1. Provide basic information.

  • Average account balance: Enter your anticipated average account balance here.
  • Profile selection: Choose a user profile which best describes the way you bank. The “Individual profile” option lets you customize your profile to match your banking needs. Find a detailed guide to the default values used for each profile here.
  • Educational status and year of birth: Select your year of birth and, if you are a student, select the “Are you currently studying?” check-box. Certain bank accounts are only available to people in specific age-groups, such as young adults or seniors.
  • Providers with locations in: If you want to limit results to banks which have branch offices in your canton, select a canton here.
  • Existing private account: If you already have a private account, select your account here. 

2. Compare offers.

3. Open a bank account.

  • Open the bank account you want.