Private Banking

Breakdown of Risk Profiles Used in the Private Banking Comparison

The costs of individual private banking products are calculated separately based on algorithms. Costs vary based on the amount of assets invested, the service being used (asset management or investment advisory) and the selected risk strategy.

Find the bases of calculations here.
Compare private banking products divides risk strategies for investors into 6 separate risk profiles in order to facilitate comparisons.

The rule of thumb applies across the private banking sector: the higher the portion of a portfolio made up of shares, the higher the risk and private banking fees.

It is worth noting that, in addition to shares, a number of other investment vehicles can impact a portfolio’s risk profile. Important: even investment strategies which are classified as low-risk are not risk-free.

Financial services providers which provide for the selected risk strategy are included in results. Not all service providers offer products that match every risk strategy.

Risk strategy 1: Minimal risk

  • Shares: 0%
  • Largely or completely made up of bonds and fixed-return products.
  • Affordable model.

Risk strategy 2: Low risk

  • Shares: 10-15%
  • Largely made up of bonds and fixed-return products.

Risk strategy 3: Limited risk

  • Shares: 25-40%

Risk strategy 4: Medium risk

  • Shares: 40-60%

Risk strategy 5: Fairly high risk

  • Shares: 60-80%

Risk strategy 6: High risk

  • Shares: 80-100%
  • Portfolios are often completely composed of shares.
  • This is usually the most expensive investment strategy.