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How Are Savings Account Comparison Results Calculated?

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The calculations are based on algorithms of and the following assumptions:

  • The guarantee of editorial independence applies.
  • Compound interest calculation with initial amount, account maintenance costs and additional annual deposits. Assumption: The amounts are paid in at the beginning of each year. You can have the information calculated for one year or for several years.
  • If accounts use differing interest rates (interest rate tiers) for the first, second, third and fourth year (and subsequent years), these are accounted for when calculating interest and compound interest.
  • Interest rate limits: Where interest rates differ based on the amount of savings held in an account, these are accounted for in the comparison. Some account providers use a range of interest rates for different amounts of savings.
  • Interest rates can vary based on the currency used for an account (CHF, USD, EUR). Differences in interest rates are accounted for in the comparison.
  • Where interest rates vary based on the age of the account holder, these variations are taken into account.
  • Initial capital, deposits, interest, account management costs and final capital are rounded to the nearest five centimes.