The OTC-X is an over the counter (OTC) exchange operated by the Berner Kantonalbank (BEKB). The exchange lists Swiss stocks and participation certificates which are not listed on Swiss stock exchanges (the SIX Swiss Exchange and the Berne Exchange). The OTC-X primarily the stocks of small and mid-sized Swiss companies. This fully electronic exchange can be accessed directly by customers of the Berner Kantonalbank via its e-banking service and money-net.ch online trading platform, and indirectly via some third-party banks and brokers.

The OTC-X indexes track the performance of OTC investment vehicles listed on the exchange, and are a useful indicator of the performance of Swiss mid-sized companies. The OTC-X Premium index tracks the performance of key listed stocks and participation certificates. The OTC-X All Share index tracks the performance of all securities listed on the exchange. Sector-specific indexes track listed stocks and participation certificates in the transportation, tourism, food and beverage, banking, energy, industrial, media, joint-stock and real estate sectors.

The performance of stocks listed on the OTC-X is tracked by the eKMU-X index published by the Zürcher Kantonalbank.

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Editor Daniel Dreier
Daniel Dreier is editor and personal finance expert at moneyland.ch.