Press Releases

Press Release: «Banks Are Lagging Far Behind»

December 8, 2012

We analyzed the social media presence of the 50 leading private banks. The result: the majority of banks are still inexperienced when it comes to dealing with social media. Citibank perfoms best, followed by Société Générale and ABN AMRO.

Zurich, March 8, 2012 – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Co. are on everyone’s lips. However, not with the banks: the majority of banks still deals with social media quite clumsily. Especially the private banks have difficulties: the 50 worldwide largest and most important private banking and wealth management institutes only reach an average of 43 out of 100 possible points – which is not even half of the maximum amount of points. And this despite the fact that the criteria for the awards for points were relatively easy to fulfill.

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