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Daniel Gutenberg: Cryptocurrencies Have Just Gotten Started

Investor Daniel Gutenberg talks about cryptocurrencies and the upcoming Crypto Finance Conference.

Daniel Gutenberg is a successful Swiss Internet investor and co-founder of the Crypto Finance Conference.

What can participants of the Crypto Finance Conference expect?

Daniel Gutenberg: Participants will benefit from interesting presentations and direct contact with key experts in the field of cryptocurrencies across the two-and-a-half-day conference. The conference also provides a way to get up to date on the latest developments in cryptotechnologies.

Who is the conference for?

The conference is designed for private and institutional investors who are interested in the new forms of investment presented by cryptocurrencies. The conference was established by eight Swiss entrepreneurs.

What was your motive in founding the Crypto Finance Conference?

I can only speak for myself in this regard: I participated because I have been active in promoting cryptotechnologies within my social circle for many years and have often been asked to provide information on the topic. The conference provides a suitable vehicle for the dissemination of a broad range of information to a wider audience.

Why will the conference be held in Switzerland?

Switzerland is the new “crypto capital of the world”. It hosts the largest number of crypto-related companies and has hosted more ICOs than any other country.

Many economists believe that bitcoin is just a hype. Do you disagree with that opinion?

Absolutely. Many economists believed that Internet would be a short-lived trend. Digital currencies based on blockchain technology have just gotten started and will become significantly more important over the coming decades.

Aside from bitcoin, what would you consider to be the most interesting developments in the field of cryptocurrencies?

Besides bitcoin, there are at least three or four additional cryptocurrencies – including Ethereum and ADA – which I find interesting. Personally I believe that a number of the cryptocurrencies which will play important roles in the future have not yet been developed. It is worth noting that Google was relatively late to enter the Internet scene, but when it appeared it quickly overtook AltaVista – the top search engine at the time.

Should banks be concerned about cryptocurrencies?

Banks have good reason to be concerned. Many services which are currently provided by banks will become unnecessary in the future. Banks will have to drastically reinvent themselves. Unfortunately, not all banks will be able to do this.

How do cryptocurrencies affect our everyday lives?

In general, cryptocurrencies will not majorly impact our everyday lives. However, financial transactions will be processed much more simply and quickly in the future.

Where do you see bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in five to ten years?

That is not the question we should be asking, in my opinion. The real blockchain revolution will take place in fields other than currency. I wish I knew what those fields are – but at this point it’s anybody’s guess.

The Crypto Finance Conference will be held in St. Moritz from January 17-19, 2018. It will be the world’s largest investor conference on the topic of cryptocurrencies and blockchain investments. You can find more information about the Crypto Finance Conference here.

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