GLKB Hypomat rollover mortgage

  • Swiss SARON mortgage

  • Online mortgage

General information:

Switch to provider's fixed-rate mortgage possible for CHF 250.

Approximate markup (as a %):

2-year SARON mortgage, 3-month interest term: 0.69%

3-year SARON mortgage, 3-month interest term: 0.7%

4-year SARON mortgage, 3-month interest term: 0.71%

5-year SARON mortgage, 3-month interest term: 0.71%

Calculation variant compounded SARON:
Variant 3: Payment of interest at the end of the interest term; determined earlier; observation period set back slightly.
Minimum amount:
CHF 100,000
Maximum amount:
CHF 1,000,000
Types of property:
Primary residence, Holiday home, Investment property
Types of financing:
New mortgage, First mortgage
Conditions and costs:

No 2nd mortgage possible. Fees in the amount of CHF 200 at renewal.

Loan-to-value ratio:
The maximum loan-to-value ratio for your property is 67%.
The mortgage costs must not exceed 40% of your income.
Second mortgage:
Second mortgages are not available.
Notice period:

An early withdrawal from the mortgage agreement is possible only if a compensation for the early termination is paid.


Second mortgages are not available.

Interest charge frequency:

The interest must be paid quarterly.