Banking News

PostFinance: Business Customers Pay More

September 30, 2015 - Benjamin Manz

After raising fees for customers residing outside of Switzerland, PostFinance is also hiking its fees for business customers inside of Switzerland.

Both the Business Account and the Association Account offered by PostFinance are affected. The new fees for business customers take effect on January 1, 2016.

So far, no account fee was charged as long as more than 7500 francs of deposits were held in the account.

But going forward, a business or association account which uses Swiss francs or euros will cost 60 francs per year, regardless of its balance. Accounts using currencies other than Swiss francs or euros will cost a lower 24 francs per year because less services are provided.

Paper account statements are also becoming expensive. Electronic statements will remain free-of-charge. Receiving monthly banks statements will now cost 3 francs per month, while receiving a weekly statement commands a 12-franc monthly fee, and daily statements come at 24 francs per month.

Postchecks with a value of up to 4000 francs now cost 11 francs (formerly 5 francs), while checks above that amount but no higher than 10,000 francs now cost 13 francs (formerly 7 francs). Every additional 10,000 francs in value above that amount costs an extra 13 francs.

Transactions are also affected. SEPA direct debits (SEPA-DD) now come with a fee of 5 centimes per transaction. has already integrated the new fees into its unbiased business account comparison tool.

The comparison shows that the PostFinance business account is no longer the best-value option for the average customer. However, PostFinance remains one of the more affordable Swiss banks for business customers.

More on this topic:
Swiss business account comparison
Business account for Swiss startups
PostFinance Business Accounts

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Expert Benjamin Manz
Benjamin Manz is CEO of and an independent expert on banking and finance.