Stock Exchange

Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE)

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) was founded in 1990 and is one of three stock exchanges in the People's Republic of China (along with the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange). The exchange is supervised by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) and has entered into memorandums of understanding with multiple exchanges around the world.

The SZSE ranks somewhat behind the Shanghai Stock Exchange in terms of market capitalization, but plays a key role in the funding of up-and-coming companies in the tech, healthcare and media sectors. More than 450 stocks are listed on the Mainboard-A (high-cap). The Mainboard-B lists more than 40 stocks while the SME board includes over 800 stocks. ChinNext, an exchange dedicated to startups, lists more than 500 different stocks.

The LeFu funds listed on the SZSE include exchange traded funds (ETFs), listed open-end funds (LOFs), structured products and closed-end funds. In addition to treasury bonds, corporate bonds, enterprises bonds, convertible bonds and private placement bonds, more than 250 asset-backed securities are also listed on the exchange.

A portion of listed securities are eligible for trading via Shenzhen Connect, a system which allows investors to access the Shenzhen Stock Exchange via the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and vice-versa.

The SZSE Component Index tracks exchange performance.

Trading hours: Monday through Friday 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. CST (UTC+8)
Settlement cycle: T+3

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Editor Daniel Dreier
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